Squeezed out! The impacts of climate change and invasive fish on a threatened galaxiid - north east Tasmania, observations from long term monitoring.  — ASN Events

Squeezed out! The impacts of climate change and invasive fish on a threatened galaxiid - north east Tasmania, observations from long term monitoring.  (#79)

Rob Freeman 1
  1. Inland Fisheries Service, New Norfolk, Tasmania, Australia

Localised climate models, predict the North East area of Tasmania will experience extended drought periods, punctuated by above average rainfall, characterised by extreme high rainfall events.  For the Swan galaxias, a small freshwater fish that inhabits isolated upland streams in this area, the impacts of climate change, in conjunction with the ongoing threat posed by invasive fishes, suggest the outlook for Swan galaxias is perilous.  Long term monitoring highlights the effects of climate change for the species. Previous efforts to translocate the species has had mix success but the extremes of drought and flood are now impacting on the most robust populations. The requirement to seek translocation sites that negate the threat posed by climate change is paramount if the species is to survive.
