DELWP incorporates Victoria’s planning, local government, environment, energy, suburban development, forests, emergency management, climate change and water functions into one department to strengthen connections between the environment, community, industry and economy. DELWP ARI (The Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research) is the leading centre for applied biodiversity research in Victoria, which aims to generate and share knowledge, through world-class research. This knowledge supports and guides sustainable ecosystem policy and management to ensure healthy, resilient ecosystems in south-eastern Australia. VEWH (Victorian Environmental Water Holder) is an independent statutory body responsible for holding and managing Victoria's environmental water entitlements. DELWP works closely with VEWH and other agencies to implement aspects of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan to improve the health of the river and its floodplains by putting aside water for the environment. Fish are an important component of many of the relevant monitoring programs; in recognition of the strong relationship between scientific research, natural resource management and policy formulation and implementation.
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