Chair: Michael Hammer
Raising awareness of Australia’s most threatened freshwater fish: the compilation of a Red Hot Redlist (#143)
11:00 AM
Statistical approaches to assessing threatened status in Australian freshwater fishes (#144)
11:15 AM
Monitoring a critically endangered galaxiid by portable pit tag detection (#145)
11:30 AM
Identifying and addressing water chemistry differences affecting post-release survival of Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolts (#146)
11:45 AM
Assessing the benefits and risks of translocations in depauperate species: a case study of the conservation management of the critically endangered red-finned blue-eye, Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis. (#147)
12:00 PM
Were the New Zealand and Australian graylings (Prototroctes spp.) distinct species? (#148)
12:15 PM