William White
CSIRO, TAS, Australia

Will White is the Senior Curator of the CSIRO’s Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC) in Hobart and his main research focus is on ecology, systematics and biogeography of sharks and rays. One of his current projects examines the shark and ray fisheries in Papua New Guinea which aims to improve local capacity in fisheries management and to provide a strong baseline for future research on sharks and rays in this region. He is also currently working on the Chondrichthyan Tree of Life project which aims to document the global diversity of chondrichthyan fishes using anatomical, DNA and fossil data. Will completed his PhD at Murdoch University in Western Australia and following this commenced a postdoctoral position following on with his research on Indonesian shark and ray fisheries. He continued the market survey research in Indonesia for a further 10 years, conducting 32 trips in total. Will moved to Hobart to hold a position at CSIRO and in 2015 became the senior curator for the ANFC. Will is currently a co-chair for taxonomy for the IUCN’s Shark Specialist Group and has published over 100 journal papers, 4 books, and described 60 chondrichthyan and 5 teleost species.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
fishIDER – A bilingual, web-based fish identification tool for market fish in Indonesia (#117)
4:45 PM
Helen L O'Neill
Fisheries Management