Zoe Doubleday
University of South Australia, SA, Australia

Zoe Doubleday is a marine ecologist and avid promoter of accessible science. She is on a mission to boost the readability and readership of what scientists write, particularly peer-reviewed publications. Her goal is to not only boost public engagement in science, but also boost collaboration within the STEM community. Zoe’s research on writing has caught the attention of Nature, PNAS, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, and the Australian Academy of Science, as well as numerous research institutions in Australia and abroad. Zoe is also an award-winning science communicator and works regularly with the media to promote diversity in STEM, marine research and the environment.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The effects of hypoxia on Australian freshwater fish species (#15)
11:45 AM
Bronwyn M Gillanders
Behavioural Responses
Long-term , inter-regional variation and drivers of growth in an iconic fisheries species (#155)
1:45 PM
Jasmin C Martino
Biology, Ecology and Evolution