Kayla Gilmore
University of Adelaide, SA, Australia

Kayla Gilmore completed a Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology) at the University of Adelaide in 2011 and continued on in 2012 to complete her Honours. Her Honours research focussed on the potential for using the chemistry of fish ear bones (otoliths); which record environmental change similar to the rings of a tree, to trace environmental differences in freshwater systems. Kayla is now a PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide studying the sub-lethal effects of hypoxic blackwater on fish health throughout the Murray River region. Her research focuses on the physiological effects of low dissolved oxygen on key native species, and also attempt's to reconstruct past hypoxic events under both field and laboratory conditions using otolith chemistry.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The effects of hypoxia on Australian freshwater fish species (#15)
11:45 AM
Bronwyn M Gillanders
Behavioural Responses