Katherine Cheshire
NSW DPIRD Fisheries, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr Katherine Cheshire is a leading fisheries researcher and resource manager with extensive background in freshwater fish and riverine management. Dr Cheshire is the Research Leader for Freshwater Ecosystems at DPI Fisheries NSW, a team of ~45 dedicated to helping people look after fish. Freshwater Ecosystems Research has three core research themes: Restoration & Recovery; Ecology & Environment and, Recreation & Culture. These themes capture a diverse and evolving range of research projects that together help stimulate and secure thriving fish populations, sustainable and enjoyable fishing, and healthy, vibrant and productive regional communities, with national and international benefits. Kat is recognised for her scientific leadership and as a diversity champion. Dr Cheshire has led major projects working across research, management and policy providing scientific and technical advice across government, industry and the community. These programs have shaped the management of Australia’s fisheries, freshwater and marine natural resources and contributed to the development of national policy reform, research strategies, priorities and plans. Kat is one of the NSW reps for ASFB and a passionate advocate for the society.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Fish and Flows: Developing objectives and targets for freshwater fish in NSW Long Term Water Plans (#31)
2:00 PM
Katherine Cheshire
Adaptive Management